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Butterworths Police Law, by Jack English, Richard Card, Jack Qpm Ma Formerly Assistant Chief Constable Obe
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Now it its eighth edition, Butterworths Police Law covers comprehensively those areas of the law and legal procedures with which all police officers are concerned, in terms which are easily understood by all those without legal training. This edition includes details of the changes to the police complaints procedures which were set out in the Police Reform Act 2002 and implemented in the Spring of 2004. A well-respected and highly regarded book, Butterworths Police Law has been prepared in a way which recognises the needs of police officers, and will be of assistance to all those who wish to study the criminal law. The book also provides a good source of information for members of the public who wish to refer to a legal text written in an accessible way. It is a practical volume for everyday use.
- Sales Rank: #4479079 in Books
- Published on: 2003-03-31
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.06" h x 6.14" w x .0" l, 2.56 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 1068 pages
About the Author
Jack English was formerly Assistant Chief Constable, Northumbria Police, and Director of the Central Planning and Training Unit, and Chief Examiner to the Police Promotion Examinations Board. He is author of; Police Training Manual, published by McGraw-Hill and Summonses and Charges, published by the Police Reviewing Company. He has edited Butterworths' Road Traffic Service and Butterworths' Road Traffic Bulletins. Richard Card is Professor of Law and Chairman of the School of Law at De Montford University, Leicester. He has written and lectured extensively in a number of areas of law, particularly criminal law. He is the sole author of Card, Cross and Jones' Criminal Law, and has also written eight other books.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I like it a great deal
I like it a great deal, but then I'm no longer an (American) law enforcement professional. Book is a good source for a "hobby bobby". I'll let the British serving officers give the proper reviews.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Dave Follman
read the review for the police training manual
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